Sunday, September 28, 2014

what it felt like

what it Felt Like Yesterday.

I'm sorry Love,..but
(to keep it minimalistic)
I've simply forgotten
what Happy Was...

How it Feels To Smile
in Mirth (or Joy)...

or appreciate the Beauty
of A Summer Day...

but You must Believe me
when I Say:

"I Never wanted it
to End This Way."

(With Two Hearts Dead
before they Hit the Dirt,
and Not a Soul around who
Cares to Pray.)

I see The Point of your

but it is a Pointless Point
which only Points in A
Single Tormented Direction...


So Far down you can
no longer be Grateful
that your Heart will
ALWAYS be Sacred!!

(Though Broken Sadly
By A Clown.)


I Imagine that My Words
no Longer fill Your Head...

(and Damn does that ever
Feel So Empty..)

as you sit daily contemplating
me Dead!

(yet even then I still feel
Blessed you would Consider
Me An Enemy.)


I'm sorry Love...but
(to be Honest)
there isn't much more
I can say..

My Head is a Cave
where Shadow Dance...
Miracles Die,..

and Every Day feels
like The End Upon

where I just wish I could

(what it Felt Like


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