Saturday, November 22, 2014

my favorite electric nightmare.

My Favorite Electric Nightmare.

I met this Human
Angel in an Electric

A Box that Bled Our
Words of Sentiment,
mingled with the kind
of Bittersweet Honesty
which sometimes brought
to Life Those  Once 
Dead Devils in Her
Ethereal Eyes.

The Eternity of a
Second can sometimes
seem less,..when you're
spilling your Guts
to A Familiar Stranger,
while conflicted...
Part of you Not Really
Caring,..(part of you
knowing that it's probably
Dumb To Care) and that
Slight Remainder of your
Half Dead Heart Secretly
Wishing She was Already
There...if only for a Moment..
to Grace you with Her Presence.
(Or consume you with a 
Ravenous Stare.)

This is likely going to be
my Favorite Electric Nightmare,
because there's no expectation..
Hell,..everyone knows how this
shit works.

You just wake up, (to The
Nightmare of The Real.)
and Everything Fades but
the Fractured Memory of
an Eternal Second which
Could Have Been.

(were it not likely so
Dumb to Care.)


for a.s.

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