Tuesday, September 30, 2014

stale cliches

How hard it must be..
to fill your heart with
stale cliches,

because you cannot
grasp the meaning of
what it Means to feel
"The Flame."

Sunday, September 28, 2014

what it felt like

what it Felt Like Yesterday.

I'm sorry Love,..but
(to keep it minimalistic)
I've simply forgotten
what Happy Was...

How it Feels To Smile
in Mirth (or Joy)...

or appreciate the Beauty
of A Summer Day...

but You must Believe me
when I Say:

"I Never wanted it
to End This Way."

(With Two Hearts Dead
before they Hit the Dirt,
and Not a Soul around who
Cares to Pray.)

I see The Point of your

but it is a Pointless Point
which only Points in A
Single Tormented Direction...


So Far down you can
no longer be Grateful
that your Heart will
ALWAYS be Sacred!!

(Though Broken Sadly
By A Clown.)


I Imagine that My Words
no Longer fill Your Head...

(and Damn does that ever
Feel So Empty..)

as you sit daily contemplating
me Dead!

(yet even then I still feel
Blessed you would Consider
Me An Enemy.)


I'm sorry Love...but
(to be Honest)
there isn't much more
I can say..

My Head is a Cave
where Shadow Dance...
Miracles Die,..

and Every Day feels
like The End Upon

where I just wish I could

(what it Felt Like


the purity of hate

The Purity of Hate.

I can honestly
say I hate you
too..with a Purity.

For all of
the deception
and falsity...

The Midnight
Games played
against hapless

( who do not
realize the mire
into which they're

Oh well though.

Better Them than

(I suppose.)



about last night (if only in my dreams)

About Last Night.
(If Only In My Dreams.)

Oh..about Last Night..

I know now why they
call it a Blind Date.

(for I was Blinded
by Your Beauty at
First Sight.)

You have A
very Hungry

The kind that
could Drink One's
Soul in in A
Matter of Seconds.

(and leave it
drowning in
your Lone
Hearts' Glare.)

I don't know
where this will

but I will try
my Best to be

Because Last
Night you showed
me What I Need!!

(with the spontaneity
of your Kisses.)

(My Sweet)
are one of
The Loveliest
Walking Tragedies
I Have Ever seen,..

and I Hope
(To Heavens
Fleet) We
Meet again!

(IF Only In My


Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Extremes of Love.

the extremes of love.

Two Forces constantly
gravitating between
negative and Positive
Creating An absurd

(which strangely
excites me.)

I imagine (at times)
that her lips would
be like Fists..
Throwing Kiss-Punches
to defeat me during
moments of dispute.

Revealing A Self
Defensive Rage,
which leads to
amorous bliss!

(or..chaos creating
it's own Version of
The Truth.)

But while such
alternating currents
attract, they also
stick together until
They Explode.

And I truly
do not want

(thus beauty
should leave the
beast alone.)


in this hell i make

In This Hell I Make.

I suppose there's
soon to be another
Romantic Death

Cruel words,
(and soulful
ironies) exchanged
between two

(still wondering
Why Love Their
Drove them Mad.)

I know this
Reality well
(in Part) I
perpetuate it.

I just seem
to have a knack
for making
Roses smell
like Shit..

and I am
an Addict..
make no

A junkie
for This Love
I should

Resigned to
Chaotic Fate!!

I shall gladly

(In This Hell
I Make.)


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

the ode of nevermore.

The Ode of Nevermore.

Ah..Forget about
Forevermore My
Sweet Adored.

(since "Nevermore"
now seems to
answer best The
Question I implored.)

In Dreams I
see The Mortal
End of Me,..

Standing Lonely
in God's Courthouse

and never were
More Tragic
Scenes so Laughed
at By an Angel Jury!

(especially when I
tried to Plead The
Insanity of Being
Born "Half-Guilty.")


I can only Hope
Beyond Hope,

( My Hangman's

that I never
again lend my
Heart to thee,..

for All of My
Love went up
in smoke!

(Torched by
The Hateful Flames
of Destiny.)

so Forget

(For Nevermore
now seems The
Answer I was Always
Looking For.)


a one man purgatory

A One Man Purgatory.

I feel Dead..
(Hell, Deader
than Dead.)

With Love
A Mere
Purgatory In
My Head..

This cracked
egg which seeps
Romantic Sentiment.

Everything I
Should have

It's like I'm
being Mocked
by a Heartless

who has stolen
Cupids Golden

placing it into
The Skeletal
Hands of that
Grim (and dreaded)

Oh, (In Truth)
The Patience of
My Heart is but
a Fable!,

and I must have
you back My Love!!

(The Moment
you are Able.)


Let Not Our
Fated Love now
Be a One Man

Filled with
Romantic Sentiments!

(that could have
told a Better Story.)


Sunday, September 14, 2014

my words shall never be deceased

my words shall never be deceased

I imagine (Tonight) they were
expecting tragedies to pour from
me...sad sonnets soaked in doom
and double dipped with words of

Perhaps a description of Hell
contained in A Human Heartbeat?...

(This Soul caged, and feverish
with wanting.)

But I've spent half the night laughing
at memories of old nightmares,
that once left me curled up in the
bathtub scared..drunk on whatever
cheap, rot-gut whiskey I could find..

Perhaps I'm evolving?..or just
losing (what's left of) my mind?

(or perhaps I simply don't Care
This Time.)


Oh Poetry..how I love thee..
for (with you) I am capable of

With Words I  make grim
devils blush..

Or write Sonnets of Love.

( inspiring Angels to
Shed Their Wings.)

You have always been there..
in some form or fashion..
as a constant in my thoughts,
transcending the Monotony
of Life's Interactions.

You guided me through My
First Kiss!..

Consoled my Heart when it
was Broken!..

While Honoring the Dead
I Love, and Miss!

(So With you, there truly are
no Limits..and my Soul
Finds Satisfaction.)


Yet I imagine they expect me to

To Drop my Pen and Fade
like a Whisper..

in a Sea of Screams.)

But I would just as soon

And even then...



your new home

The Heaven of your Perfect Form.

you certainly have
a style all your own..
and your face creates
a poem..like this lost
garden where angels
roam.. tearing up paper
silhouettes of demonic

(for all the world to see)

May My Heart 
Be Your New Home
My Sweet!..with rose
floors, rainbow

and birds flying
freely without 


Where no one ever

weeps, and children
do not lose the innocence
in their faces!

I love the way this

like making loving
during an electric

My Cup Truly runneth

(to the point it Spills)

and I would be happy

Knowing the Heaven
of Your Perfect Form!!

(before which I kneel.)


if any of this was real

if any of this was real.

I tell myself that it was
all a dream..

The Letters?, (and your
smile) mere figments
of my imagination.

(ghosts who live and
Die Repeatedly in My

The smell of perfume
lingering in the room
is nothing..

You were never Here..
never "real".

Every glorious touch was
but a longing fabrication of
my saddened senses..

seeking what cannot..
( or "could not") Be.

This Nightmare quickens
upon my awakening..
when I see the dented
pillow where I imagine
your head once laid..

and that simple sight
triggers memories stronger
than photography..

but colder now than a
dead mans laugh!...

because it all comes
back to me..

(and I realize I have
"imagined" you gone.)

I rant away in my isolation..

A Solitary Voice bouncing
hysterically off hateful, gray
walls that seem to mock
me with their grim indifference..

no tears, pleas..nor petty
midnight terrors can effect

because they've truly "seen
it all"..

watched The Devil repent..

as Angels lost their faith..

(or Chose to Fall.)

and Phantoms chased children
down dusty, poor-lit halls!

This is Hell..I Imagine..

but I cannot imagine it getting
any better..

for There is No Imagining

and Hope I'm afraid.. is The
Greatest Pretender!

now Phantom..


(Or Wraith.)

I tell myself to wake

but I simply awaken
into another nightmare..

A Solitary Head Drowning
in the Sweet Stench of Ghostly
Perfume..that I imagine you
would have worn.

(if any of this was



Sunday, September 7, 2014

the clock now smiles instead.

The Clock Now Smiles Instead.

One Fated Kiss
can make an Eternity
of A Single Second..
as My Heart breaks
the Face of Every
Frowning Clock..

can any Beast pick
a Delicate Flower,
and still preserve
the Beauty of That
Flawless Rose?..

without drowning
in The Memory
of every Sad Bloom
which died before?!
(or Froze.)

Her Eyes sing to
Sleep The Nightmares
In My Head..

turning Monsters
into Happy Men,
who seek Life
Forever in This
of Wandering

And I shall Love
Her..For every
Eternal Second!

with No Regret!..

Because our
Soul is One,..
and Timeless!!!

(thus the Clock
now Smiles


romantic madness

Their bodies danced like
Romantic Madness beneath
sweat soaked sheets..
Her Catlike half-Grin
filling his Head with
Golden Dreams.

"Take me my love!"
The Angel sighed.

(in a Breathless Voice
Beyond Sweet.)

He took her wrists
and  quickly pinned
them behind her head..
causing her eyes to
widen in pleasant
surprise, as if his
gesture had awakened
feelings once lost.
(or dead.)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

a eulogy for dead stars

a eulogy for dead stars.

She has long since
said a Eulogy for
Those Dead Stars, (that
once shone above her)
and burned every
Passionate Love Letter.

(which reminded her of
Her Scars.)

They haven't left
her eyes though,..
and it's amazing to
see how she laughs
( in spite of sorrow)
as if the greatest Blessing
/Joke in Life is the
Uncertainty of Tomorrow!

(whether  it brings Comedy
or  Strife.)

So..The Sky is not
a Cemetery,..or this
Universal Sanitarium
created by a Half-Mad
architect, (three thoughts
shy of Total Insanity)
who constructs Reality
from afar.

No!...It is a Canvas
of Fathomless Possibility!
That does not End in
a Eulogy.

(For Every Star.)


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

oh what a thrill

Oh What a Thrill.

Oh what a Thrill..
to be in the presence
of her Grace..

for Time no
longer seems
like A Mockery
that I Kill!

(and the Clock
reveals a Smiling

Pictures no longer
melt upon the wall
of hateful memory..

words of love..
no longer Cut.

Oh..what a Thrill,
to have her Next
to Me!

(with the door
of my Heart No
Longer Shut.)

Thank you
Goddess for
showing me..

The path which
leads to better

I sincerely
believe that you
are My Destiny!

and I will
be with you.

(anywhere you


for: Nardine.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

let fly what must

let fly what must

I say: let fly
what must angel
of mine,

to make dust
of Pearls.

(and Swine.)

Tis The Day..
(this day.)

For casting
away  all

(into another

Some fools
cannot read
between the

(others are
Empty Books.)

Because it
helps them to

Those lost things
for which they

I say:

let fly what

(Angel of


Monday, September 1, 2014

candy nights and dandelion death.

Candy Nights and Dandelion Death.

I keep an image of her in my mind,
until the Angel's Face burns away
everything dark like a force akin to
Daylight...chasing Demons back to
that tight-locked place where they're
no longer capable of feasting on
my Shame.

She makes the Night taste like Candy,
and Death has the smell of Dandelions
growing mysteriously in the crisp air
of some long ago winter. (once buried
in memory.)

and Yes..I realize this Love might
kill us.. as we hide here in sweet
fantasies. (but I cannot think of
anywhere else I'd rather Be.)


butterfly whispers.

butterfly whispers.

She floats around
in the world like
a butterfly..whispering
praise where needed..

as anxiety reaps
the night air..or creeps
amongst the Daylight
hours like a deadly
poisoned flower..

she is There..
in Grace..

(hour after Hour.)

and the fear inside
which slept?

it has gasped it's final

For Her love makes
me immortal.

(untouched by
Pain and Death.)
