Thursday, October 23, 2014

waiting for loves most sacred moment.

Waiting For Love's
Most Sacred Moment.

Last Night,..I
died in You..
and, (in spite
My Darkness)
Followed your
Heartbeat down
A winding
Tunnel which
led My Soul
Towards The
End's Blinding

as Your
melted the
of every Devil
in The Room.

(and made their
Spirits Bright.)

I never before
would have
believed, that
A Single Kiss
could make Time
seem like an
Absurd Myth that
Believers (Frozen
in Love's most
Sacred Moment.)
joke about because
they realize (in
their Faithful Minds)
The World has been

(nor would I
ever have guessed
that such an Angel
would choose to
share The Moment
with "Me.")

and Last Night,
I was resurrected
beneath the fabrics
of sweat soaked sheets..
as the Bleak Tragedy
of My Life passed by..
like useless Memories
which no Longer taunt
That Scared Child who
hid (for so long) behind
His Impenetrable Wall
of  Grief!!

(waiting for Love's
Most Sacred Moment.)

so..thank you.

( I now Believe.)


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